Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

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Newburgh, Indiana, United States

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Acoustic Neuroma

Acoustic Neuroma is a non-cancerous tumor that is found in the IAC from the vestibulo-cochlear nerve. Since this nerve is responsible for balance and hearing symptoms include hearing loss, ringing in the ears, vertigo, difficulty balancing, pressure in the ear and with larger tumors numbness in the face. Diagnosing AN is done by a hearing test called and auditory brainstem response which records responses from the brain stem. Imaging technology has made it easier to diagnose ANs. Both CT and MRI can be used but MRI is preferred with the use of gadolinium. Options for treatment range from observation to radiation therapy. They also consider microsurgical removal. Because they are normally benigne microsergery is usually the last resort to releave pressure and to improve hearing. If the tumor gets to big then symptoms may increase and worsen. ANs are mostly diagnosed in women around 30 to 60 in age and 2.5% of the population is speculated to have small non-symptomous tumors.


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